Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Black Employment Rate in IT Industry Goes Up

Soulclap to BDPA Detroit for reaching the 100-post milestone and for sharing information on employment statistics of African Americans in the IT industry. Employment among African American IT professionals rose by 10.3 percent in 2007, reaching levels not seen since the Internet boom. Still, the percentage of blacks among all employed IT workers is lower than it was at the beginning of the decade.

African Americans held 267,000 IT managerial and staff jobs in the United States last year, representing 7.1 percent of employed business-technology pros, according to a CIO Insight analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

Click here for the rest of the story

Any thoughts on this information? I see that more and more companies are posting career opportunities in the BDPA Talent Management System and the BDPA-Jobs YahooGroup. Is it noticeable on your end as well?

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