Monday, February 25, 2008

Judaea Lane: MetLife Volunteer Service Award Nominee

BETF nominated Judaea Lane, BDPA New York chapter president, for the MetLife Volunteer Service Award. Our hope is to earn up to $5,000 volunteer grant as a result of Judaea's efforts with BDPA. Many corporations have volunteer grant programs. Our foundation would love to work with you if such is the case at your company. Please check it out and let us know.

In the meantime, we thought we would share our nomination narrative for Judaea. The question that MetLife Volunteer Service Award Committee wanted us to answer was a simple one: What impact as your nominee had on your organization's work and the community?. Our answer was as follows:

Judaea Lane served as president of the BDPA New York chapter in 2007. Her chapter is one of 50 BDPA chapters that my organization serves as fiscal agent. As such, I observed the impact that Ms. Lane had on BDPA and her community.

One measurement of her impact on BDPA New York chapter is membership growth. Her chapter grew by over 50% in a single year, ending the year as the second largest BDPA chapter in the nation. Judaea and her leadership team achieved this success because of dedication and focus placed into delivery of the organization’s mission – providing programs and services that advance the careers for people of color in the information technology industry.

The time commitment and overall value to her chapter is impossible to ignore. She hosts the monthly board meeting at her office. She chaired the board meetings and issued meeting notes on a timely basis. She serves as an ad hoc member of each department. She supports the newsletter with articles. Her contacts were critical in obtaining large corporate sponsorship commitments from Merck & Company, MetLife, UBS Investment Bank and others. On a national level, she represented her chapter at each of the quarterly board meetings. She was a registered attendee at the 2007 Nat'l BDPA Conference. Locally, she provides consistent support to the VP-Finance on chapter books & records. Judaea helps in the membership database reconciliation. She has been a presenter at a number of our monthly program meetings. It is impossible to overstate the importance that Judaea had in the success of BDPA New York chapter over the past year.

Judaea epitomizes the philosophy, “
Each One Reach One, Each One Teach One”. She led her chapter to implement a comprehensive Student Information Technology Education & Scholarship (SITES) program. The SITES program allowed the chapter to reach their goal to “Bridge the Digital Divide” by reaching out to minority youths and offering workplace exposure via monthly workshops, advanced technology training opportunities and team-building skills. As a result, the New York community had creative and innovative students in the educational system with opportunities exhibit skill sets with caring BDPA New York chapter volunteers who are experienced IT professionals.

The signature program completed by Judaea’s chapter last year was local community outreach program for youths known as the High School Computer Competition (HSCC). HSCC provides outlet for corporations, students, educators and parents to come together in a valuable community efforts. Volunteer IT Professionals introduce high school students to various aspects of IT which include web application development and programming logic. The program also emphasizes the development of life-long learning skills such as team building, logical thinking and presentation.

Judaea tirelessly worked in 2007 to obtain funding necessary to pay for an all-expenses-paid trip for five students from the New York chapter program to compete in the 21st annual National BDPA High School Computer Competition held in Washington DC. These high school students attended workshops on Personal Development, Academic Development, Youth Entrepreneurship and Information Technology. The young people networked at corporate-sponsored luncheons and receptions, visited educational places in Washington DC; and networked with other talented high school students from around the nation. The five NY-area students did well in the 2007 National Competition, which consisted of a timed computerized written exam, oral questions and the development of a web application per specifications.

If it for these reasons that, I am proud to nominate Judaea Lane for the MetLife Volunteer Service Awards.

Anyone want to second our nomination?

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