Monday, March 3, 2008

Matching Funds * Bank of America Foundation

We are pleased to report that Bank of America Foundation agreed to match a $50 donation made this week by one of their associates, Shamiek Brown. Shamiek is a past board member of our BDPA Charlotte chapter.

The Bank of America Foundation matching funds will be used to support BDPA education and technology programs.

Does your company have a matching funds program?


  1. I hope Bank of America will also support The Artificial Life Project. More info can be found here...

  2. Zouze - The key is to find a Bank of America associate to work with you. Does your project have volunteers who work for Bank of America?

  3. hi, there no one yet yet but I would be glad if somebody will help me out with the project.

  4. Zouse - I don't work at Bank of America, so I cannot be helpful in any direct manner. However, there are a number of matching fund programs. Your current volunteer and supporters ... who do they work for?

    peace, Villager


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