Friday, April 23, 2010

Is Nonprofit Leadership Too White and Too Male?

A new study by the Racial Diversity Collaborative and the Urban Institute finds that less than 8 percent of nonprofit organizations in Washington, DC are led by people of color. If the DC metropolitan area is a snapshot of the nation, the nonprofit sector is facing a huge and deepening leadership crisis that will only worsen over the next 20 years.

After at least two decades of working to increase the number of racial and ethnic minorities in the highest levels of leadership in nonprofit organizations and on nonprofit boards, we have failed. While the number of people of color working in nonprofits and in mid-level positions in organizations has increased over the years, the top leadership looks the same way it did thirty years ago--mostly white and mostly male. And when people of color do lead organizations, they tend to be identity-specific, fledgling or on the verge of collapse.

Read the rest of Huffington Post article here.

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