Saturday, May 1, 2010

Top 10 BDPA Chapters (Membership, May 2010)

BDPA is focused on Taking Membership to the Next Level in 2010-2011.  That is part of the strategic plan created by the national leadership team earlier this year.   BDPA Education and Technology Foundation (BETF) is committed to do our part.   In fact, we are willing to provide funding for 100 student memberships ($2,500 value) if one of the national officers reaches out to us via this blog post! 

Membership is the lifeblood of any organization.  Some of my fondest memories in BDPA revolve around recruiting and retaining members while in officer in Detroit and Cincinnati chapters.   Back in 2004-2005 we were bodacious enough to set a goal of having 10,000 members ... an average of 222 members per chapter!  We used to think big back then.   Can you envision BDPA with 10,000 members in 2010?   If we can dream it, we can acheive it!

Let's take a look at where we are today by celebrating the 10 chapters with the most membership!  The 45 BDPA chapters in BDPA-nation average 32 members (down 2 from last month).

There is some great news in the membership numbersBDPA Los Angeles (president, John Malonson) is the 7th largest chapter in the nation.  This is the highest ranking for that chapter in its 28-year history.  Congrats to BDPA Los Angeles chapter VP-Membership Management Rodd Amos and his team for working so hard to acheive this milestone! 

BDPA Dallas (president, Chris Johnson), BDPA Detroit (president, Markita Wade) and BDPA New Jersey (president, Coram Rimes) each dropped a place in the standings ... but, all three maintained their spot in the Top 10 rankings.

BDPA Chicago (president, Pamela Sexton) maintains its place as the largest chapter in the nation for the 37th month in a row!

The top ten chapters in terms of membership as of 5/1/2010 are:

  1. Chicago
  2. Triangle
  3. Philadelphia
  4. Atlanta
  5. New York -
  6. Southern Minnesota
  7. Los Angeles - (jumped 3 places since last month)
  8. Dallas - (dropped one place since last month)
  9. Detroit - (dropped one place since last month)
  10. New Jersey (dropped one place since last month)
The first two (2) chapters on this list are in the BDPA Century Club with at least 100 members. BDPA Chicago chapter tops the list with 225 members!

Feel free to ask about the ranking of your chapter. In the meantime, we would love to know what you think about membership in BDPA?

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