Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What is BDPA? How Did You Learn About BDPA?

Milt Haynes is past national BDPA president. He was on a conference call recently with me and other members of the BDPA Social Network Team. One of the team members noted that many of the Black IT professionals simply do not know about BDPA. The conversation flowed to our memories about being introduced to BDPA in the first place.

Personally, I was introduced to BDPA by a programmer that worked with me at a Detroit data center back in 1988. He invited me to a program meeting and I became active right away.

Anyhow, Milt shared the following message with us ... and I wanted to open his question up to a wider audience. I hope that you will respond with your insights!

What is BDPA?

BDPA is what you make it and now is your chance to make it all that it can be. BDPA is a shining star in my life and I know that it's a shining star in the lives of many others too. But why is BDPA the best kept secret in America? It's because we rely on the oral tradition of our ancestors to pass on knowledge through stories from generation to generation.

Times have changed!!

Through the ubiquitous Internet we have a chance to collect and capture our stories online so now they can live on forever!

Tell us your story. It doesn't matter if you're a President, Board Member, Corporate Sponsor, Student, Entrepreneur, or "just a member". If you have a BDPA story to tell, we want to hear it!

Better yet, we want to capture it in Wikipedia. Are you Internet savvy? Go click here to go Wikipedia and add your story.

Or just send your story to us at

Tell us your story. Help the BDPA legacy grow. You'll be glad you did.

Milt Haynes, chairman
Social Networking Team

Please take a moment to share your thoughts in the COMMENTS section below. How did you learn about BDPA? What is BDPA to you?

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