Tuesday, June 28, 2011

BDPA iRadio Show - June 28, 2011

The BDPA iRadio Show creates a vibrant communications platform that speaks to all BDPA stakeholders.  We were blessed to have creativity from the show's host (Franne McNeal) and one of the scheduled guests (Renetta English)!

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Renetta English - is the BDPA New York chapter president.  She shared 'best practices' from her chapter.   Her insights were remarkable and anyone who is involved in BDPA needs to take a moment to listen to what Renetta had to say.  Renetta is truly a remarkable chapter president!

Two other BDPA chapter presidents called into the show to share their insights as well.  BDPA Charlotte chapter president Julius Clark turned the discussion to the issue of members who are unemployed or under-employed.  He was looking for success stories where BDPA helped a member with his or her career.

BDPA New Jersey chapter president Goldie Bonney informed the audience of the Families In Technology Day activities hosted each year.   This year the chapter was able to raffle over 60 refurbished laptop computers to families in attendance.
    Our host for this show is Franne McNeal.  The technical advisor is John Malonson.  The show is sponsored by the BDPA Education and Technology Foundation.

    Feel free to use the POST REPLY option below if you have questions or suggestions re: the BDPA iRadio Show!

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