Friday, July 1, 2011

Grant Declination: AirTran Airways (BDPA Philadelphia)

Our effort to get complimentary airline tickets for the High School Computer Competition (HSCC) students from BDPA Philadelphia hit a wall when we learned that AirTran Airways turned down our funding request.

The folks from AirTran Airways wrote:

Thank you for affording AirTran Airways the opportunity to review your request for charitable donation.

As you may well imagine, AirTran Airways receives several hundred requests for support each week -- all of which, while for a worthy cause, cannot be granted. We regret that we are not able to participate in your event this year.

Thank you for your interest in AirTran Airways.

BDPA Education and Technology Foundation will continue to work with BDPA Philadelphia chapter to ensure that they have the funding necessary to compete in the 2011 national HSCC championship to be held on August 5-6 in Chicago.

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