Thursday, March 31, 2016

Grant Declination * Texas Instruments Foundation (Houston)

BDPA Education and Technology Foundation (BETF) and BDPA Houston chapter learned that our $7,500 grant proposal was declined by the Texas Instruments Foundation. We were seeking funds for the 2016 Student Information Technology Education & Scholarship (SITES) program being implemented this year by the chapter.

The declination letter read as follows:


Thank you for submitting your proposal to Texas Instruments. We enjoyed learning about your organization and your work. While we appreciate the value and importance of your mission, we regret that we are unable to fund your request for support at this time.

We would like to respond affirmatively to all requests, however, we receive far more proposals than can possibly be supported. We appreciate the thought and time that went into the development of your application, and we wish you success in accomplishing your program goals.

Andy Smith, Executive Director
Texas Instruments Foundation

BETF will continue to seek out funds for our BDPA Houston chapter!

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