Tuesday, August 16, 2016

BDPA Cincinnati Chapter Competes at 2016 HSCC Championship

2016 HSCC Team
by Frank Hill

BDPA Cincinnati Chapter has trained High School students at Cincinnati State Technical College for the past 8 years.    The camp has 2 phases. Phase 1 is a 13-week program that trains area students on a variety of technical topics (Software, Robotics, 3D Printing, and Automation).

The second phases lasts 30 weeks and takes place on Saturdays. This phase prepares students for competition in a National High School Computer Competition.  Up to 10  students are trained during this phase.  The top five (5) students are selected to travel to a conference and compete for prizes and scholarships money.  Students are also eligible for scholarships based on academic and community service accomplishments.

BDPA Cincinnati chapter HSCC team traveled to Atlanta for the 38th annual BDPA Technology Conference on August 10-13, 2016. Teams participated in a 7.5 hour programming activity that required them to complete a secure, mobile responsive web site from requirements set by corporate judges. Students develop an User Interface, Middleware and Database during this period.   Students were then required to present their project to a team of judges and their code was inspected to ensure proper implementation. 

BDPA Cincinnati chapter HSCC team was Yaw Asante (Walnut Hills HS),  Jacob Koeninger (Campbell County HS),  Jalal Sylvester (Mason HS), Julian Pierre (Lakota West HS) and James Whitfield (Walnut Hill HS).  Our team placed in fifth place this year.  The team gained broad exposure to successful IT professionals and inspirational entrepreneurs.  Additionally, two BDPA Cincinnati students were recognized with $3000 scholarships from The Oracle Corporation. A total of $146,000 in scholarship money was distributed to high school and college students from all over the country.   The two winners were: Yaw Asante and Hasani Harrigan (Tuskegee University). 

Cincinnati State Technical College was also recognized at the conference as a Silver Level sponsor for ongoing support of BDPA training programs. BDPA training programs have help launch many successful young people over the years and it would not have been possible without great support from many people at Cincinnati State Technical College.

We are extremely proud and grateful for the support!!

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