Thursday, August 18, 2016

Jonielle McDonnough Uses JnJ Scholarship at the University of South Florida

Jonielle McDonnough * Univ. of South Florida
BDPA Education and Technology Foundation (BETF) is proud to announce that Johnson & Johnson awarded a $2,500 college scholarship to ten (10) students. One of those students is Jonielle McDonnough of University of South Florida.

Jonielle may join our BDPA Greater Tampa Bay chapter. When asked to share her thoughts on being a Johnson & Johnson scholar, Jonielle wrote,

My most memorable moment in BDPA is when I was awarded a scholarship. When I committed to attending the University of South Florida, I did not have any scholarship funds to be of financial help as I pursue my degree. I hoped that throughout the time I am a student at my university that I would receive financial assistance, especially scholarships. I was thrilled and full of excitement and relief when BDPA made it a dream come true while furthering my education.

BDPA is blessed to have such a young and talented technology student on board as winner of the Johnson & Johnson Scholarship. We look forward to supporting Jonielle's career as she seeks to advance in the technology industry!

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