Monday, August 7, 2017

Jordan Brown Will Use Monsanto Scholarship at University of Missouri

Jordan Brown
BDPA Education and Technology Foundation (BETF) is proud to announce that Monsanto awarded a $2,500 college scholarship to three (3) students.  One of those students is Jordan Brown from St. Louis, MO who will use the scholarship to support his study of graphic design at the University of Missouri.

We asked Jordan to share his thoughts on BDPA.
"Receiving the Monsanto/BDPA Scholarship has lessened my financial burden thus allowing me to focus on my academic pursuit in addition to balancing financial goals and academic acuity. Although my current major is Graphic Design, In the near future, I see myself with a career in the coexisting fields of Architecture and Information Technology. Currently a student at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, my overall career goal is to master and educate others on the process of critical thinking and problem solving through operational systems and other conceptions in both the Information Technology and architectural fields."

BDPA is blessed to have such a young and talented student as a winner of the Monsanto Scholarship. We look forward to supporting Jordan's career as he seeks to advance in the technology industry!

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