Norm Fleming added professionalism and a challenging vision for BDPA's future in his recent run for the president-elect office. The decision was a tough one for the delegates as evidenced by the fact that a second round of voting was necessary before Yvette Graham won the office in a 3-way election that included Betty Hutchins.
Norm took time after the election to share the following thoughts with BDPA leaders around the country,
Norm took time after the election to share the following thoughts with BDPA leaders around the country,
My Dear Leaders of BDPA,
Words cannot begin to describe the enormous gratitude I have for the love, support, guidance, and cordiality extended to me over the past three months, as I sought to serve you as your National BDPA President-Elect. Thanks to each and every one of you. God has a blessing for you.
We ran a good, clean, professional, and spirited race. We set a high standard that has created a new BDPA precedent, and for that I am most appreciative. Congratulations to Yvette Graham! She will serve this organization with the highest degree of Dedication and Excellence! Thank You to Betty Hutchins! Her passion and intrinsic executive knowledge of BDPA was simply phenomenal.
While I may not have won at the poll, I do believe BDPA won, as we all have raised the consciousness of the members regarding a new direction for BDPA for a new century. May God bless each of you. May God bless BDPA!
I will take the liberty to speak for all BDPA leaders in hoping that Norm accepts one of the many offers being made to him by both National BDPA, BDPA Philadelphia chapter and BDPA Education & Technology Foundation. His talents, vision and leadership are too important to BDPA to lose at this stage of our history.
Norm ... please find a place for your prominent talents to be displayed over the coming months and years!
My understanding is that Norm accepted invitation to serve as BDPA's Outside Director in 2008 (pending approval by NBOD).
ReplyDeletepeace, Villager