Saturday, April 3, 2010

Use United Way to Support BDPA

Did you know that when you make your pledge to the United Way campaign you have a choice of where and how your donated funds will be used? Yes, that’s right! United Way agencies, throughout the United States, have options referred to as either Open Donor Choice, Donor Designated, Contributor Choice, or Specific Care. While the names are different, each is an option that allows the giver (you) to directly specify a 501(c)3 organization as the recipient of your donation.

We want you to choose the BDPA Education & Technology Foundation (BETF) as your tax-exempt organization, especially if you want your donation to support programs or services for any of our 45 local BDPA chapters.

BETF places funds donated via your local United Way in a restricted fund that is available only to support the education & technology programs of that chapter. In the upcoming United Way campaign, we encourage you to designate your donations to an organization that you are personally involved with. Ask your friends and family to do the same.

To do this, look carefully for the place on your United Way pledge form where you can write-in the BETF name and address information.

BDPA Education & Technology Foundation
4423 Lehigh Road, Suite 277
College Park, MD 20740
(513) 284-4968
email: unitedway[at]

Doing this will support BDPA education & technology programs in your chapter and around the country. Reap the rewards of supporting your chapter’s Student Information Technology Education & Scholarship program through funds raised via this simple effort.

Remember that your money, given locally, can work locally within your chapter; but only if you exercise this option when completing your Annual United Way pledge form. The option is probably the last on the pledge form and will have a blank line on which you may enter the name and complete address of the organization.

The BETF mission is to provide financial support for the education and technology programs BDPA at both the national and local level. Your generosity during this annual United Way (or CFC) campaign is one way we hope to complete our mission.

Please leave a comment if you have questions or if you plan to use United Way payroll deductions to support our fundraising efforts!

1 comment:

  1. Do you plan to use United Way to schedule payroll deductions to support BDPA this year?


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