Thursday, September 6, 2007

BDPA Los Angeles Chapter Newsletter (Sep 2007)

We invite all BETF-Blog readers to download the September 2007 newsletter issued by our BDPA Los Angeles Chapter.

There are some great articles in this month's newsletter on subjects such as the upcoming Black Business Expo held in Los Angeles on September 21-23. You can also find previews of the upcoming chapter program meeting as well as a recap of strategic alliance with WITI.

However, the article that I found the most enticing was the recap of the progress made by the LA chapter students that participated in last month's national HSCC. The team placed in 8th place. The photos and the words show both the pride and accomplishment of the chapter students.

Hopefully, we can entice members of the Los Angeles chapter to POST A COMMENT a testimonial on their experiences that we can share for posterity.

Anyone care to share their thoughts on the LA chapter or their newsletter?

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