Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bemley Scholars Heading to John Hopkins University and University of Minnesota

We are pleased to note that two of our HSCC alumni have applied for Bemley Scholarships this month. We are processing scholarship payments for Elise Jefferson (Southern Minnesota, HSCC Class of 2006) and Nicholas Akogyeram II (Southern Minnesota, HSCC Class of 2005).

Elise (back row, 2nd from the left in the team photo) was on team that took home the silver medal from the 2006 national high school competition held in Los Angeles, CA. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Minnesota (Twin Cities). We are processing her $1,500 Bemley Scholarship application.

Nicholas (far right in the team photo) was on team that took home the gold medal from the 2005 national high school competition held in Detroit, MI. He is pursuing a degree in Biomolecular Engineering at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. We are processing his $2,500 Bemley Scholarship application.

Our hope is that Elise and Nicholas will learn about this posting and share a testimonial on their experience that we can use to grow the Bemley Scholarship fund. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Bemley Scholarship Fund in recognition of the work put in by these remarkable young people.

We are very proud of both of these remarkable students. Please take a moment to POST A COMMENT to either or both of these young people. Let's make the BETF-Blog an interactive experience!


  1. Wow! BDPA and the Southern Minnesota chapter hould be extremely proud of these young people.

  2. Black Literature - The entire BDPA nation is proud of these young people! I didn't realize until recently that BDPA Southern Minnesota chapter ... made up entirely of volunteers ... trained students to the point that they have won over $40,000 in Bemley Scholarships in the past few years. Remarkable!

    peace, Villager

  3. All - Anyone heard from our two Bemley scholars after their freshman year of college?


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