Thursday, September 20, 2007

Betty Hutchins is a Class Act

I shared information with many of you on my other blog about the recent 3-way election for national president-elect. One of the candidates was Betty Hutchins. Betty is currently the national VP-Member Services and she has been nominated to serve on the national board of directors again in 2008 as our Outside Director.

Anyhow, Betty sent a message out today to BDPA members that we are sharing with BETF-Blog readers. Betty wrote,

"If you are a part of the BDPA organization, then you should stop by my home thank you page. Kudos to David Tines for his creativity and time in creating my website for the national presidency campaign.

I was insane for trying to vacation, go to Ghana, run for president and prepare for a national conference all at the same time, while serving as Vice President of the Member Services area. Thanks to all of you who supported me in the effort. We fought the good fight and the organization will not soon forget us. Also, kudos to Annette Yates, my campaign manager.

Thanks everyone and enjoy the pictures. Betty"

Betty Hutchins is a class act. Feel free to share your thoughts on Betty here if you have time or inclination.


  1. Any Betty Hutchins' stories that you would like to share?

  2. She was a 'class-act' last year ... and she remains so today!


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