Friday, September 14, 2007

End-to-End Application Monitoring (Charlotte)

BDPA strives to keep its members at the cutting edge of technology. BDPA Charlotte chapter positions itself as the premiere professional group for people of African descent working in the information technology industry. Evidence of these two factoids can be found in the upcoming September 2007 program meeting hosted by the Charlotte chapter. One of the highest-rated technical workshops given last month at the national BDPA technology conference is being reprised for a Carolina audience.

John Hoffler is a technology genius currently working in Wachovia's retail technology group. He is a business owner and served as past president of our BDPA chapters in St. Louis MO and Greenville SC. John plans to share state-of-the art information on End-to-End Application Monitoring. If you attend this month's program meeting you will learn about:
  1. The 3 Tiers of a typical Multi-Tiered Web Architecture
  2. The components of an effective end-to-end monitoring solution
  3. How to obtain real value from the monitoring data

Regardless of your personal discipline within the technology industry ... you will find information that you can use from John's presentation.

Location: Charlotte Chamber of Commerce (Corner of S. Tryon & 2nd street)
When: Tuesday, September 18 @ 6:00 pm

You can RSVP for this meeting by sending email to BDPA Charlotte chapter Do we have any BETF-Blog readers from North Carolina reading this post?

1 comment:

  1. Date: September 18, 2007
    Event: BDPA-Charlotte September Program Meeting

    Shamiek Brown, Julius Clark, Charles Moore, Dannie Kerns, John Hoffler, Sherri Sonnier, Michael Moore, Aaron Johnson, George Williams, Nia Peace

    6:00 PM – Meeting started with time for networking and socializing

    6:35 PM - Charles Moore (BDPA-Charlotte President-Elect) opened meeting and welcomed attendees. He informed the attendees of his upcoming role and his commitment for making the BDPA-Charlotte one of the top chapters within the BDPA organization. He recapped attendance at the BDPA National Conference, gave an update on the performance our local HSCC team (6th place out of 21 competing teams), and gave an update on the results of the National BDPA Board elections.

    Charles then had the local board members in attendance stand up, give their name, position, company they work for, and their current job within their company. The BDPA-Charlotte board members in attendance were Julius Clark – V.P. of SITES, Shamiek Brown – V.P. of Strategy & Planning, and Dannie Kerns – V.P. of Membership Services. Afterwards the HSCC Coordinators in attendance were recognized (Aaron Johnson & Sherri Sonnier), and then our guests were given a chance to introduce themselves, tell where they worked, and what they did for their company.

    6:45 PM – Julius Clark (BDPA-Charlotte VP. Of S.I.T.E.S.) talked to the group about the SITES program, then introduced John Hoffler and narrated his Bio.

    6:45 PM – John Hoffler gave his presentation on “End-to-End Application Monitoring”. John prefaced his discussion by identifying Internal Enterprise Web based Applications as the scope of his presentation. He discussed the 3 Tiers of a web based application architecture (User Interface, Application Code, and Data Access), the purpose of monitoring, How monitoring is performed at each Tier of the application architecture, and the Monitoring Architecture. Due to time constraints, the Data Correlation portion of his presentation was skipped. However, he allowed those who wanted a copy of his presentation to identify themselves so the Board could ensure copies of his presentation were sent to them. Due to the size of his presentation, those attendees who wanted a copy of his presentation, and also attended the National Conference were informed his presentation was included in the Conference workshop CD.

    7:45 PM – Charles Moore (BDPA-Charlotte President-Elect) gave closing remarks. He informed everyone John Hoffler would be chairing the election committee for our chapter. In October, those people interested in running for President-Elect or VP of Finance (requirement of an active membership status) would have a chance to identify themselves, and get an opportunity for all active members to be aware they were running for a position. The exact details are being worked out and more information will be given in the near future. In November, the elections for those two positions will occur.

    7:50 PM - Meeting concluded


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