Have you had managers tell you NO at some point in your career? People are frequently turned down for project participation, educational, training or advancement opportunities. Whether you are told NO for budgetary constraints, to enable opportunities for more seasoned associates, or because someone else feels it is not the right time in your career ... it is time for you to attend Rashia Mason's seminar 'Powerful Persistence- How to Turn a No into a Yes'.
Attendees at this seminar will understand that NO actually means 'not now' or 'I need more information' or 'how will this benefit the company'. Ms. Mason will share key skills to:
- Understand the root of the NO
- Negotiate on their behalf
- Offer alternatives for a win-win situation
The logistics for the event are:
Date: Thursday, October 18, 2007
Time: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: Con Edison HQ on 4 Irving Place (off 14th St);
One block east of Union Square
We encourage all BETF-Blog readers in the New York City area to make plans now to attend this professional development seminar. Refreshments will be served. Also, you should bring copies of your resume as there will be IT recruiters in attendance as well.
Here are notes from the Oct 2007 program meeting hosted by BDPA New York Chapter.
Black Data Processing Associates
New York Chapter
Program Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The meeting was officially called to order at 6:50 pm by President Judea Lane.
There were 17 in attendance (including members and visitors).
President’s Report - Ms. Lane reported that she is thinking of ways to motivate chapter members to get more involved. One idea mentioned was starting a chapter newsletter.
She also discussed getting members to speak at future meetings, and encouraged those in attendance to reach out to other members regarding this matter.
The planned chapter involvement in the 2008 Black Family Technology Awareness Week was also discussed. Attendees interested in participating were told to see Ms. Lane after the meeting.
There will be no elections in November. However, elections must take place no later than January, 2008.
There will be a networking social in December at the Baton Rouge restaurant in Harlem, NY. The date and other details will be determined by the November program meeting.
Education Report - Education Chairperson, Denise Hamilton reported that the committee is preparing for the upcoming high school competition.
She also mentioned an IT Showcase, in which students will be doing a white paper on a relevant information technology topic of at least 15 pages.
Presentation - Vice President of Member Services Evelyn Poole introduced the speaker, Ms. Rashia Mason.
Ms. Mason, a member of the New Jersey Chapter, is an aspiring entrepreneur who is currently a Supplier Diversity Specialist at PSEG Services Corporation.
Her hour long presentation focused on “powerful persistence” in the workplace, which includes understanding how to negotiate, understanding what a “no” means, and presenting alternatives in order to achieve the desired outcome. Through exercises and examples, Ms. Mason effectively demonstrated how to be “powerfully persistent”.
Announcements - President Lane announced she has a pass for the INTEROP event, which will be held October 22-26 at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City. The pass is good for attendance from October 24-25.
Ms. Lane also announced she would like the chapter to get involved in some fundraising.
The meeting was officially adjourned at 8:20 pm by President Judea Lane.