Friday, October 5, 2007

HSCC Testimonial: Chris Johnson (1992-1993)

Chris Johnson is a long-time member of BDPA Dallas chapter. He joined BDPA as a high school student back in 1992. For the next two years he was a part of the Dallas chapter High School Computer Competition (HSCC) team that competed in Chicago (1992) and Kansas City (1993).

Today, Chris heads up the scholarship committee for the BDPA Education and Technology Foundation. He works on our effort to raise and administer a $2,000,000 scholarship endowment.

We asked Chris to share some of his memories as a HSCC alumni. He shared the following:

"When I was a student, R. Kelly was putting out his debut album and everyone wore Cross Colours. We programmed in GW-Basic. Yet, the spirit of the competition remains as strong today as it did back then. I have seen the program evolve to stay relevant, and yet maintain Dr. Bemley’s vision of a competition that provides exposure to technology and professionalism.

My most striking memory of the conference is being in the midst of so many professional, successful Black people at the gala in Detroit. I never saw a sight like it before. It gave me a sense of responsibility to further the progress of our people through technology. BDPA’s greatest asset is our ability to mentor our members, and the HSCC is one of our greatest mentoring tools to ensure the next generation is equipped and motivated to continue the legacy of empowering our community.

I received my college degree in Biomedical Engineering from Texas A-M University. I am currently the head of Information Security for D/FW International Airport. I have held several posts within BDPA (National Youth Technology Camp Coordinator, Dallas Chapter HSCC Coordinator and BETF Scholarship Committee Chairperson)."
Do any of y'all know Bro. Johnson? If so, would you care to share your 'village voice' on this BDPA Hall of Famer?


  1. Do you know of any other HSCC alumni from 1992 or earlier?

  2. All - This young brother will become president of our BDPA Dallas chapter in Jan 2009. How is that for 'classroom to the boardroom'!


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