BDPA Education & Technology Foundation seeks funding each year for the BDPA IT Institute. One of the recent graduates from the IT Master Certificate program within the BDPA IT Institute is Cedrick Moore. Cedrick was kind enough to share his thoughts on the Institute as well as his thoughts on the benefits he received over the past years as both a BDPA member and BDPA leader. Cedrick wrote,
BDPA Institute - The BDPA IT Institute Master Certification provided me with the tools that I needed to venture out into the workforce. With discussions about topics such as Six Sigma, Project Management, and Capability Maturity Model (CMM), I was able to research some of the latest technology best practices and methodologies. Having this information allowed me to secure a position with one of the leading technology companies in the world, Hewlett-Packard.Much love to Bro. Moore for sharing his testimonial! Have you considered becoming a BDPA member, leader or IT Institute student?
BDPA Member - Being a member of BDPA has completely changed my career. While working for one of the largest Telecommunications companies in the U.S., I found that I needed a way to make myself standout. I wanted to be able to better articulate my ideas. I also wanted to be able to discuss my ideas freely with others in a similar role yet outside of my organization. The answer for me was BDPA. BDPA allowed me to not only share ideas and best practices with other members, it allowed me to obtain the technical skills and training via the BDPA National Conference. In terms of career moves, BDPA is directly responsible for my last two jobs (Senior System Analyst and currently, Senior Consultant with HP).
BDPA Leadership - Being in a leadership role within BDPA has been the greatest thing to ever happen to me. As the Founder and President of the Birmingham Chapter, I was able to meet chapter presidents from across the country. Many BDPA chapter presidents work for Fortune 500 companies while others own there own businesses. The experience provided invaluable networking opportunities. During the BDPA National Conference, you have a chance to converse with corporate CIOs and Senior Vice Presidents from across the country during corporate networking events. Locally, it has added tremendous value to my professional resume. The leadership skills that I learned have carried forward into every job that I have had ever since. If you can lead 50 plus volunteer members, you can definitely lead a team on the job. It was the perfect training.
Any BETF-Blog readers from Birmingham, AL area? Do you know Cedrick Moore?