The National BDPA High School Computer Competition (HSCC) is over 20 years old now. There have been hundreds of young people representing their city and chapter on national teams at these annual competitions. Very few students compete more than once or twice. As such, I am honored to share the testimonial of a young lady that was a 4-time member of her chapter's national team. BETF-Blog Readers, please welcome Quin Raye to this little patch of cyberspace. Here are her words:
Every child has a dream or vision of what they want to be when they "grow up", and for me all I could see in my future was medicine. Well that all changed during my seventh grade year, of middle school when I became part of BDPA, suddenly I wanted to work within the IT field. I’ve been a member of BDPA for ten years and my involvement in this organization had a huge impact on my current career. Not only did BDPA provide me with outstanding programming skills, but this organization has helped me overcome my fear of public speaking and gave me an extra boost in my confidence level.
Having the opportunity to learn so much and network with so many people gave me more of competitive edge when I entered into the realm of Corporate America. I am currently an Information Analyst at a large Oil company located in Houston, TX and I have BDPA to thank for a part of my success.
Quin competed in the national high school competition in 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001. Please share some love with this Dallas chapter HSCC alumni member. She now lives and work in Houston, TX. Hopefully, we can talk her into becoming active with our chapter in Houston so that she can share her magic directly with the young people of that city!
Are there any BETF-Blog readers from Texas out there?