Sunday, November 4, 2007

Seeking 50 Students Interested in Computer Camp Experience (Cincinnati)

BDPA Cincinnati chapter will train 50 high school students in their 2008 Student Information Technology Education & Scholarship (SITES) program. SITES program in Cincinnati is divided into four components: Computer Camp, Youth Technology Seminar Series, High School Computer Competition and Information Technology Showcase.

There are many challenges for the Black community in Cincinnati as demonstrated by the recent voting on the jail tax levy. However, BDPA provides a positive beacon of hope for our youth and high school students as they are introduced to various aspects of IT, including advance research on IT topics, web application development (Basic HTML, FrontPage, SQL, ASP, ASP.NET), web application programming, logic and advanced computer concepts (IT Showcase). The 50 young people selected will participate in weekly programs that begin on Saturday, January 5, 2008.

New students are required to take an entrance exam to determine eligibility. Interested students will need to have the following qualifications:
  • Must be in 8th - 12th grade
  • Interested in Information Technology
  • Good attendance
  • Cooperation
  • Participation
A smaller subset of students my be interested in participating in the National BDPA High School Computer Competition (HSCC) as Cincinnati chapter works to pull together a team that can defeat the current national champions from Rochester, MN. Qualifications for students selected for the HSCC (limited space):
  • Must be in 9th - 11th grade
  • Minimum 2.5 G.P.A.
  • Display a strong interest in Information Technology (demonstrable programming and web development skills)
  • Display natural ability
  • Willing to participate in class
  • Cooperative spirit (teamwork is very important here)
  • Good attendance
The testing for any young people in the greater Cincinnati area interested in this world-class technology training will take place on Saturday, November 17, 2007 @ 10:00 am *or* Saturday, December 1, 2007, 10:00 am. In either case, the location for the testing is:

Cincinnati Business Incubator (CBI)
1634 Central Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(Downtown near Findlay Market)

Please register online for either the November or December testing dates ( only need to complete #2 Local Register section). You can reach Deborah Prince, BDPA Cincinnati chapter Outreach Director, by email ( or phone (513.956-0636) if you have questions or wish to discuss further.

What do you think of this youth education program?

1 comment:

  1. Cincinnati BDPA 2008 computer camp is recruiting for 8th - 12th graders. It is NOT too late to register for 2008 camp. Please contact Ms. Deborah Prince at 513-604-0594. Classes will begin in January 2008. Logon to to register.
    Ms. Deborah Prince


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