Hat-Tip to BDPA Detroit chapter for pointing us to Black Web 2.0, a remarkable blog that is a must-read for all BDPA members. The brothers and sisters that created this blog need to be featured at our upcoming annual conference.
Anyhow, Black Web 2.0 asked the question, 'Where are the Black Web Professionals'. They pointed to the 2007 Web Design Survey results from A List Apart (ALA). According to ALA, "the results represent the first data ever collected on the business of web design and development as practiced in the U.S. and worldwide. ALA breaks down their report data by race, age and gender, and lends itself to a couple of findings:
- Out of the 32,831 respondents, 1.2% (about 394 people) are Black
- 302 of the 32,831 respondents are identified as Black males
- 96 of the 32,831 respondents are identified as Black females
Anyhow, read the full article and let me know what you think. How should BDPA respond to this information on local or national level?
Are any of you involved with Web 2.0 in your job?