Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Why Does Twitter Exist?

I'm slow on the uptake with most technology. I don't have a Blackberry. I never use the camera or text features on my cell-phone. My daughters set up an I-Pod Shuffle that I received at a national conference a few years ago. I'm just slow on this stuff. So, it comes as no surprise that I don't get the point of Twitter. I don't see a business reason for using it ... and I can't imagine that others much care that I'm 'just chillin'.

Do you have a Twitter account? Click here to see mine.

Can you give me a clue? Why do you use Twitter?


  1. I have Twitter. Mostly because it's shown on my blog. I usually just type random thoughts via my phone when I'm board. Since I have a fashion blog, twit about my shopping and what not while I'm out and about. I'll probably lose interest over time. My phone stays in my hand anyway.

  2. Lolo - I visited both of your blogs this evening. I see how you use the twitter widget on your Real Side blog.

    I added both your blogs to the Villager's Black Blog Rankings. The next publication of the BBR will occur on 3/1/2008.

    Finally, I need to figure out how to update twitter with my phone. that might be interesting...

  3. twitter supplies me with news much faster than having to go to the internet, in some cases I use it like RSS from only a few credible sources. TO me the value is the speed of info from sources I want info from. Not to mention alot of inside scoop gets revealed. If done right it can supplement your LinkedIn of FaceBook strategy. On the flip side it can be a brand builder for you! If people rely on your insight that could push your something I call your SBE, your "social brand equity" which can turn into speaking engagements, consulting etc...

  4. Mario - You bring up some unusual aspects of Twitterville. I never thought of it as being something that could help your personal or corporate brand. I need to re-think my social network strategy in many respects...


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