Saturday, April 12, 2008

Grant Proposal: The Boston Foundation

As Greater Boston’s community foundation, the Boston Foundation devotes its resources to building and sustaining a vital, prosperous city and region, where justice and opportunity are extended to everyone. One way that they fulfill this mission is by making grants to nonprofit organizations and designing special funding initiatives to address this community’s critical challenges.

BDPA Boston Chapter and the BDPA Foundation combined to submit a pre-application grant request of $5,000 to partially fund the 2009 Student Information Technology Education & Scholarship (SITES) program in Boston. The online pre-application application was completed on April 12, 2008. We await approval at this first stage of the process before we move on to the second stage of the process.

1 comment:

  1. All - The Boston Foundation sent us declination letter this month. Do any of you have inside contacts on TBF board of directors?


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