Monique Berry leads the defending BDPA Chapter of the Year. She shared the following message with her chapter members, supporters and sponsors. We thought you would find her message of interest:
As a child my grandmother often said, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" when I needed to be reminded that the potential benefits in a new opportunity mitigates the risk of stepping out to meet any challenge. Now, after a few months' as chapter president, our chapter is entered this new year with a mostly-new slate of officers:
- Monique Berry, President
- Ced Edwards, Vice President of Finance
- Curtis Jenkins, Immediate Past President
- Hayward West, Vice President of Business Management
- Mark Abrams, Vice President of Communication
- Adrienne Anderson-Ferrell, Vice President of Education
- Jamilah Brown, Vice President of Marketing
- John Dawson, Vice President of Membership
- Byron Mayes, Vice President of Professional Development
We're "stepping out" to meet the challenge of BDPA leadership, and we invite you to step out too. We're hoping that you may be feeling energized to try something new this year. We have anticipated that energy, and have provided some opportunities for you.
Step out to an enlightening April 16th chapter meeting. Our Vice President of Strategy has invited Camari Ellis of First Genesis Financial Group, to tell us about wealth management. I hope that every member will take this opportunity to step out from their 401K comfort zone to see what's perhaps unknown -- but promising about planning for the future.
Or, perhaps you can step way out -- to Atlanta, for an informative, interesting and memorable National BDPA Technology Conference on August 6-9. Speak with any chapter member (or any one of your executive board members) who has attended a past BDPA conference ... I believe each would be able to explain why the venture was worthwhile.
Step UP to your potential -- see what your BDPA chapter can bring out in you! Besides being a friendly, supportive group, we can help you to develop-and to demonstrate- leadership skills. You don't have to over-commit...just try out something, like sharing your observations and responses to a speaker's presentation or to a new technical book or whitepaper. Write these in a short article and get published in our newsletter (and build your professional portfolio). Help plan a chapter program-locate a speaker, or introduce that speaker, or write an official chapter letter of thanks afterwards!
If you'd like to work on your public relations skills, or give a short presentation on a topic of interest to our profession, great! We'd like to develop our Public Relations this year, so we need some committee members. And we'd like to introduce a new segment to our meetings entitled "spotlight speaker," where we'd enhance each meeting with members who would show us samples of their work and tell us about their companies and their jobs.
Does any of this sound promising to you? There may be some risk attached with any one of these opportunities, but I sincerely hope that you will take that risk and gain from it. We are only an email away!
Thank you for all of your support.Monique F. Berry, President
BDPA Philadelphia
Vision: Partnering for Continued Growth!
What do you think about BDPA Philadelphia chapter president's message this month? Does your chapter president publish monthly updates such as this one?
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