Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cincinnati Team Wins Midwest Regional Computer Competition!

Congratulations to Team CHAOS (Cincinnati Holds All Opposition Speechless)! The five youngsters from Cincinnati took home the gold medal from the 2008 Midwest Regional High School Computer Competition (HSCC) on Saturday, June 7, 2008 at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College.

Left to right - DeRicco Swan, senior at Withrow International. Brandon Bowen, senior at Clark Montessori High School, Simeon Ellis, sophomore at Cincinnati’s Creative and Performing Arts, Brook Hines, sophomore at Lakota High School, Raynisha Greene, sophomore at Cincinnati’s Creative and Performing Arts.

The event drew representation from the following BDPA chapters: Atlanta (silver medal), Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton (bronze medal), Detroit, Indianapolis and Middle Tennessee.

The next step for Team CHAOS is the national HSCC in Atlanta, GA on August 6-8, 2008 competing against 23 other chapter teams. Meantime, BDPA Cincinnati chapter president Janice Lee wants to express appreciation to the BDPA Midwest Regional Committee:

  • Cincinnati State Technical and Community College – Midwest Regional Host Site
  • The Kroger Co – Competition Laptop Donation
  • Computer Science Corporation – Programming Problem/Judges
  • Deborah Prince, Consultant - Outreach Director
  • Steve Gutter, Kroger - Past Midwest Regional Coordinator
  • Ashley Ogletree, Fifth Third Bank - Midwest Regional Coordinator (Chapters)
  • Ann Mawicke, Mawicke Creations - Corporate Leadership
  • Marsha Steed, CSC CAC Member - Enquirer Newspaper
  • Shanese Lee, Children’s Hospital, Midwest Regional (Corporate)
  • Frank Hill, Hiltronics - Midwest Technical Coordinator
  • Sharon White, Cincinnati State - Midwest Regional Liaison

Were any of our blog readers in attendance at the Midwest Regional Competition this year? If so, please share your thoughts on what you observed! What say u?

1 comment:

  1. Wes Williams, Atlanta chapter HSCC coordinator wrote, "I just want to congratulate Ashley on her coordinator position for the Midwest Regional. Her, along with the entire Cincinnati chapter did a wonderful job hosting the midwest competition. Special big ups to Ashley because I learned that she just became a member of BDPA in January and coordinated such a big event by June. I think that's something big for one person to commit to so early after becoming a member. With such a great support staff, Janice, Steve, Frank, Ann, just to name a few, this was a great event to me. I was part of the Memphis and Chattanooga chapter, and now coordinator for Atlanta, but this was my first regional I have attended and had a blast. From the breakfast, lunch, to the judges and all the participates, I appreciate all the hard work it took to pull off this event. I look forward to seeing you all down here in Atlanta for the national conference."


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