Tuesday, August 5, 2008

BDPA Conference: Nat'l Board of Directors Meeting

Day 1 - National BDPA Board of Directors (NBOD) meeting held all day. NBOD membership includes 50 chapter presidents and a dozen elected or appointed officers make up the NBOD. This is policy making body for the organization. Morning sessions focused on finance and business management.

Abe Joseph, Nat'l BDPA VP-Finance ran the numbers for the board. Indications are that the conference will be financially success!

Yvette Graham, Nat'l BDPA President-Elect provided an update on her business area using the balanced scorecard metrics. Focus of her presentation dealt with national website, branding excellence and corporate sales. Yvette agreed to take on responsibility for the 2009 conference operations and national headquarters operations.

The NBOD luncheon sponsored by Electronic Data Systems (EDS). The guest speaker was Ron Griggs. He is an executive with 27-years of experience in the IT industry. He is the executive at the company responsible for the funding of EDS' Silver-level sponsorship. The sponsorship included conference registrations and corporate memberships for 30 EDS associates. Ron shared some insights on career growth and based on his personal experiences at IBM, EDS and elsewhere. He made a number of observations including:
  • complete college degree
  • be willing to accept laterals or pay cut to gain necessary experience
  • be willing to relocate if necessary
  • be willing to tackle difficult jobs at your company
  • critical to have balance in life (family, career, health, relationship and so forth)
  • important to get a mentor (e.g., his mentor gave him tips on getting exposure in his company that helped get him into the executive level at his company)
  • be prepared; prepare yourself
  • stay cool under pressure
  • keep things under perspective
  • whereever you are ... be there! Don't focus on future goals at the exclusion of delivering outstanding performance at your current position

The Q&A session was very active. Ron discussed EDS buyout by HP, mentor vs. coach, suggestion for improving BDPA and much more. He provide some good reminders on things to consider for career growth and advancement.

I lost wireless access in the afternoon. There were excellent presentations made by Kimberly Davis (VP-Member Services), Eatonia Williams (VP-Membership Management), Paulette Johnson-Davis (Chapter President Liaison) and Denise Holland (National President). The meeting adjourned with much information and camraderie. I do have .ppt version of all the presentations given at the NBOD meeting today. Respond in the COMMENTS section if you want copy of any particular presentation.

I hope that we can get wireless connection available for tomorrow! In the meantime, I invite you to follow our conference updates on Twitter as well.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like a copy of the Membership Management presentation.



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