Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Grant Declination: The Gannett Foundation

We learned that our $13,570 grant proposal to The Gannett Foundation was denied. We sought the funding to support youth education programs in New York. It turns out that for the deadline for funding in New York passed on August 25. The folks at Gannett Foundation wrote:

Dear Wayne,

Thank you for your proposal to the Gannett Foundation. It was reviewed by a committee of employees from USA WEEKEND and Gannett Company.

Unfortunately, we are unable to support this request due to receiving the proposal after the deadline. It is never easy to say 'no' to worthwhile projects such as yours.

I'm sorry we cannot assist you, but wish you success in securing funds from other sources. Thank you and for letting us know about your activies and goals, and for taking the time to submit a proposal to the Gannett Foundation. Please check our website later in the year for our 2009 priorities.

Laura MacFie
Gannett Foundation

Ms. MacFie was kind enough to give me a call to talk about our grant proposal. We intend to try again in advance of the February 2009 deadline.

BETF is willing to work with any chapter that is co-located in a community in which Gannett owns a daily newspaper or television station.

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