Monday, November 12, 2012

Create Good Chemistry to Improve Corporate Sales

Many BDPA leaders ask me for tips on increasing corporate sales revenue through sponsors. Much of my success in corporate sales for BDPA can be traced to my relationships with corporate champions.

How a corporate champion (or sponsor) feels with you is a big part of whether they will buy or not. Most people avoid hiring someone they are uncomfortable with. Sometimes clashes in personality are unavoidable. But in most cases, there are things you can do to create good chemistry between yourself and a corporate champion.

Obviously, it is important to try and be friendly and courteous to your sponsors. It's really quite simple. Smile and look them in the eye. If you are respectful to your sponsors and help them feel cared about, you will often see the same reaction in return.

Show an interest in what your sponsor is interested in. If I find some aspect of their project particularly exciting or interesting, I try to show that excitement. At the very least, you'll give the sponsor some encouragement -- something most of us could use.

Treat each as an individual. A corporate champion can tell whether you are truly interested in helping them. Try asking them about themselves. Show your sponsors you wish to know them on a personal level as well as a professional one.

Make sure that you listen. No matter how smart, right, or good you are, sometimes it's best to just be quiet. If you talk too much you may come across as overconfident and possibly arrogant. Many sponsors cannot stand someone who doesn't listen to their questions or concerns. If you put the sponsor before yourself, you're sure to have a better chance of making that sale!

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