Friday, November 7, 2008

Message from Philadelphia Chapter President

BDPA Philadelphia is the 5th largest BDPA chapter in the nation. They won back-to-back 'Chapter of the Year' awards. One reason for their success is the regular communication shared by BDPA Philadelphia chapter president Monique Berry. Here is the message she shared in November 2008 with her chapter stakeholders:

Our Chapter year end is fast approaching and we continue to grow and prosper as an organization with significant increases in our membership. This has been a busy year with good attendance and feedback on our programming and events.

Membership and participation remain the ingredients to success in serving our members and attracting talented and informative speakers, programs, and events to keep our mission on track. We have had over 100 new members join this year. We welcome your comments and suggestions and will continue to work to make 2008 a great year!

It has been exciting working with such a great Executive Board. These leaders are to be congratulated on their accomplishments and contributions they have shared with our chapter. There are still many opportunities for new dynamic leaders to serve the Chapter in 2009. The under the leadership of the Board BDPA will continue to guide the growth and prosperity of our Chapter in the coming years.

We have some exciting things planned for the Chapter in the coming months. We are asking all members to attend the
Recruiter's Round Table on November 19th. This is your chance to learn about the career trends in the Philadelphia area from representatives of local corporations. We are asking all members to bring a toy to the annual banquet next month to donate to Toys for Tots. Put this on your calendar as an event not to miss!! A big thank you goes to Curtis Jenkins and his committee for all of the hard work they have put into this event.

In case I have not said it enough this year, thank you to all of the volunteers and members for your energy, professionalism, and the opportunity that I have had to learn from you. Because of you, my job as President has been very enjoyable! Each and every one of you is such an inspiration to me. Words cannot begin to describe my love for the IT profession and also towards you the volunteers and members, I have learned so much from my association with BDPA Philadelphia!
Monique F. Berry, PresidentBDPA Philadelphia
Vision: Partnering for Continued Growth!


  1. It has been quite interesting to follow up on this note. The rapid growth has been achieved and quite frankly the dedication has been even more exciting! And dont worry Monique, you have most definitely said everything in detail and you didnt miss a thing! :) You're great and looking forward to hearing more from you!

    -Roger J.

  2. Roger J - Are you planning to attend the BDPA Philadelphia chapter banquet in December?


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