Saturday, December 24, 2011

10 Ways to Handle Member Complaints

Membership growth and retention is the backbone of a successful non-profit organization. Part of retaining members from year-to-year is dealing in a positive and proactive manner with complaints. Let's look at ten things members REALLY want, need and expect when they are complaining [SOURCE]:
  1. To be treated with dignity and respect.
  2. To be offered flexibility and options.
  3. To talk to someone who is competent ... and confident.
  4. To have their problem solved FIRST TIME.
  5. To have prompt response to their problem/requests - be contacted when promised.
  6. To deal with one person; have ongoing access to that person if the problem is ongoing.
  7. To engage in clear and concise communication; not cloudy issues.
  8. To be provided with sufficient information to ensure the problem doesn't happen again.
  9. To know how long it will take to solve a problem.
  10. To be treated with appreciation for their business.
What is your take on this list? Share your thoughts using the COMMENTS link shown below.

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