Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Message from Orlando Chapter President

BDPA Orlando is the 20th largest chapter in the nation. The chapter was the 36th largest chapter at this time last year. One of the reasons for the rapid growth in Orlando is the drive and determination of its new president ... Pablo More.

Pablo shared the following holiday message with his members and supporters:

Good morning, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and FABULOUS New Year! I believe that 2009 is going to be a FANTASTIC year for BDPA. As we close out 2008, let us reflect on all the remarkable things we have witness in our lifetime thus far and the change that is coming.

There are A LOT of great opportunities that exists and that we can be in the forefront if we take advantage of them. The
ComputerWorld articles were just the beginning. We have BDPA chapters in some of the hardest economically hit areas and we can be agents of change transforming peoples lives and giving them the much needed skills and be a team player in Governor's councils across this country.

There are going to be Federal funds available once President-elect Obama takes office to stimulate this economy and get people back to work and get training to improve their skills. Technology is being seen as a catalyst for revitalization of this economy and BDPA can play a major role in that.

Happy Holidays and safe travels!

Pablo More, president
BDPA Orlando Chapter

Use the COMMENTS feature below if you would like to share your thoughts about Pablo's message. Do you see a place for BDPA in the coming economic revitalization plans of our country?

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