Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Profile: BDPA Rhode Island Chapter (Felix Fontes)

Name: Felix Fontes, president
BDPA Rhode Island Chapter

Address: PO Box 28592
Providence, RI 02908

Phone: (401) 461-2372

Website: http://www.bdpari.org/

Newsletter: None

I was keynote speaker at the 2nd annual Education & Scholarship Banquet hosted by BDPA Richmond chapter in October 2006. Felix Fontes provided transportation for me to and from the airport. I remember that he took me on a tour of the city after the banquet. Even back then I knew that BDPA Rhode Island chapter would be in good hands when he took over as president.

Please take a moment to learn more about Felix in his own words:

I have been a member of BDPA Rhode Island chapter since it was chartered in 2002. I had the opportunity to serve as a President-Elect and VP-Business Management and I am currently serving as president of the Organization.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems, from Rhode Island College, and an AS, Business Administration/ Computer Science, from Community College of Rhode Island, and I have over 10 years of professional experience in Information Technology; I'm a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MSCE) Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Certified Engineer (MSCE) Windows 2000, Microsoft Certified Profession and Internet.

Currently I’m working for Community College Of Rhode Island as a Computer Instructor for Computer Studies and Information Processing. My former employers were Bank of America, Fleet Bank Boston and Dorcas Place Adult And Family Learning Center where I had the opportunity to work as Infrastructure Specialist II, Computer Programmer Analyst, Desktop Support and Computer Instructor.

My favorite quote: "To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only dream but also believe." - Anatole France

Favorite BDPA Memory: "It was at 2004 BDPA National conference held in Dallas Texas where I had the opportunity to meet with so many wonderful people and I recall how impressed that I was with keynote speaker Monte Ford, American Airlines CIO and Dr. Mae Jemison, the first African American woman to venture into space."

My vision for the chapter: "...to provide leadership to Rhode Island chapter and to help out our minority communities through the utilization of information technology by providing them with professional development, education and training."

BDPA Rhode Island is currently the 39th largest chapter in the nation. However, I anticipate that its membership will grow strongly under the leadership of Felix Fontes. I invite you to share some 'BDPA-Love' with Felix using the COMMENT option below. What say u?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Felix, Matthew from BDPA Hartford..Congratulations on becoming President in RI.. we right next door so if we can help partner somehow you know how to find us..



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