Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bloggers and Barack Obama

Omar Wasow was the keynote speaker for the opening ceremonies at our 2005 BDPA Technology Conference in Detroit, MI. Did you see his interview on The Today Show on MLK Day?

I encourage you to read Omar's related article, 'The First Internet President'.

I invite BDPA Foundation blog readers to visit my primary blog -- Electronic Village -- if you have time or inclination. Are there other BDPAers that read or publish blogs?


  1. Yep. I'm a long time blogger as you know and a new BDPAer as of yesterday. I joined the Chicago chapter online. Good to see my chapter president featured on the site.

  2. Martin - Welcome to BDPA. You've joined one of our most powerful BDPA chapters in the nation. As a benefit of membership, I've added your blog to the blogroll on the right-hand sidebar...


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