BDPA Foundation Blog pauses to share memories of one of our fallen leaders, Ollie Morgan, who passed away on Monday, March 2, 2009 in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Ollie Morgan is a legend within the BDPA family. Ollie served on the national BDPA board of directors for a number of years as BDPA Chicago chapter president, national president and immediate past president. Over the past decade he was an author and photographer living out his dreams in New Mexico.
Ollie was a key player in the growth of corporate sponsorships. He created the concept known as 'Corporate Advisory Councils'. We now have active CACs in many of our larger and more successful chapters around the nation.
Ollie was the first to understand the importance of developing a 'return on investment' value proposition. Ollie's vision turned into the record-setting corporate sales revenue coming into the BDPA Chicago and National BDPA treasury since the mid-1990s.
Ollie was a prolific writer. His articles about BDPA regularly appeared in the National JOURNAL and the BDPA Chicago PROFESSIONAL newsletters.
I appreciate the powerful legacy of Ollie Morgan ... particularly in the 1993-1995 era. Ollie should be a future member of the BDPA Hall of Fame. For now, we honor him here on our blog.
Please share your memories of Ollie in the COMMENTS area below!
He will be missed beyond measure.
ReplyDeleteI will continue to keep on my website one of his messages, from back in the "BBS" days, he sent regarding the BDPA Mission...
what a tragic loss
ReplyDeleteOllie Morgan was an eccentric individual. When I met Ollie in 1988, he was the Public Relation Chair of the Chicago Chapter. His company, Creco, was in its infancy. During Ollie's tenure as President of the Chicago Chapter the Midnight DJ helped to establish BDPA Chicago as a leading chapter. The Corporate Advisory Council, CIO Reception, and Awards Banquet were launched during the time Ollie Morgan served as President. In 1991, I served on the board of directors with Ollie as Communications Chair. Ollie fostered relationships with the business and government entities until he moved on to become National President. Before he moved west to become a photographer and author, he continued to participate in various BDPA events. His conversation, creativity, and character will be missed.
ReplyDeleteTo the immediate family, loved ones, and friends of Ollie Morgan, we know he will truly be missed and his BDPA family is deeply saddened by his passing. I first met Ollie in 1987 and have always known him to be strong and true to his convictions. That strength and passion will be forever remembered. Let us keep his family & friends in our deep thoughts and prayers. We hope that the God’s words helps to bring comfort during these trying times…Revelation 21: 3 “With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
ReplyDeleteDenise P. Holland
BDPA National President
I remember meeting him in 1992 or 1994 when he came to the board meeting in Oakland, CA. I think I met him, Diane, Wayne, James, Paul, Jerry K., Gerry M.Vivian, and Richard. It was a site to see him in action. He was the driving force of the group at the time and was a force to reckon with. I remember everyone coming out of the meeting mad and a few were looking for aspirins. I was told that the long-winded discussion was over a change he wanted and they didn't want! It ended up in the suite with the bid whist party until 4 am. So all was good!
ReplyDeleteMichael & AW - Ollie was a man ahead of his times in many ways. He was one of the few BDPA leaders that participated and supported the initial movement of BDPA onto the Internet with the bbs and eventually with our first website. He was also the first BDPA entrepreneur that I knew who actively advocated for entrepreneurs as a stakeholder group. I'm glad that I managed to stay in touch with him over the past few years. I always hoped that he would get active again with BDPA on a national level. His talents and soul will be missed by all of us...
ReplyDeleteDenise - Thank you very much for sharing your remembrances of Ollie with us. Your scripture is right on time...
ReplyDeleteRenae - Bid whist was a major source of relaxation at NBOD meeting back in the day. Gerard Anderson, James Banks, Ollie Morgan. We are starting to lose some of the original talents of BDPA. I hope we never forget the passion and purpose that they brought to BDPA in those earlier years...
Ollie helped to raise the bar in BDPA chapters by his passion, dedication and vision. I truly enjoyed the professional comraderie and competition that made our chapters strive to be better. It was tough but fun trying to keep up with the Chicago Chapter during the late 80s and early 90s. I have great memories of a great Brother.
ReplyDeleteWe live in Las Cruces where we met the dynamic and unique Ollie Morgan and his beautiful partner Sheila. Now my husband and I realize how much we did NOT know about Ollie from reading about him via Google. To us, he was the friend always ready to debate politics, writing, and social issues, "stirring the pot". We were thrilled, along with Ollie, to participate in the election of Barack Obama. Ollie, you left too soon for us who are still here.
ReplyDeleteGeorge - I can still hear Ollie's booming baritone as he talked about importance of return on investment for members and corporate sponsors. He was a powerful BDPA presence. I have missed him since he stopped being active with us...
ReplyDeleteAnon - If you see Sheila ... share our love and prayers with her...
I was shocked and saddened to read of Ollies untimely death.In times past,long ago,he was a major part of my life.I loved him dearly.
ReplyDeleteWe went our separate ways,after about a year togethers.I'd hoped to find out how his life had gone,and to bring him up to date with my lifes journey.
Stefan,I met you when you were only aroud six or so.Your Dad,his Dad you and I had Thanksgiving together on LaSalle.I'm glad to see you are a Preacher;a wonderful gift to the Lord.
Sheila,I'm painfully sorry for yhe loss of your beloved Ollie.I'm thankful to know he found someone as special as you to share 30 years with;A blessed man.I read "Shed No Tears". I'm thrilled Ollie acomplished so much.God Bless and be with you.Thanks Sheila for being so "THERE" for Ollie A Friend of Ollies.Cathy A. Luce