Saturday, May 23, 2009

Grant Proposal: Toyota USA Foundation

BETF and BDPA New York submitted an online grant application to Toyota USA Foundation. We requested $5,000 in support for the 2009 SITES program in NYC. Denise Hamilton and Renetta English were very helpful in pulling together information for this grant proposal. We should have an answer within 45 days.

Toyota believes that helping people improve the quality of life in their communities is an essential corporate responsibility. Education is the focus of Toyota's giving. In addition to funding national programs, Toyota supports the social well-being of communities where it has major operations (Alabama, California, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, Texas and West Virginia). This includes assistance for Arts & Culture and Civic & Community Development, Health & Human Services.

Our grant proposal went to Toyota Motor North America (TMNA). TMNA focuses on organizations in the New York City area with programs directed at children and families and environmental education.


  1. There is another funding opportunity from Toyota Motor Company with last date 29 May.

  2. Krish - Thank you for sharing this funding opportunity with us...


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