Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nonprofits Tap Online Networks to Raise Funds

I understand that nonprofits are tapping into online networks to raise funds. Our foundation can be found on Facebook here and here. We are also on Twitter. However, we still haven't discovered a way to convert our online presence in these social networks into successful fundraising. We'll keep trying.

This article from the Philadelphia Inquirer keeps us motivates to do so:

Nonprofits across the country - more than 85 percent use social media, according to a new survey - want to replicate that success. In an economy where purse strings are triple-knotted, the strategy has particular appeal.

Read the full article here.

We don't get many comments here on this blog. However, I would be interested to hear from you. Have you ever made an online donation? What would motivate you to do so in the future?

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