Tuesday, August 4, 2009

2009 National BDPA Technology Conference (Video)

Check out the 50+ page Journal Pre-Conference Highlights to get a taste of what's in store for you.
What are your thoughts about the 2009 conference in Raleigh?


  1. Is this video intended for people to attend the career fair or to register and attend the the conference. i heard only about the gaming and the companies attending but very little about the content of the conference or the workshops and other attractions.

    Just my opinion.

  2. Anon - Thank you for the suggestion. I've added link to 54-page BDPA Pre-Conference Journal. It provides full detail on the content of the conference including full listing of the conference workshops...

  3. to villager, if u had a link that would provide 54 pages of bdpa pre-conference info, why didnt u make that information available b4 the conference?? Mom

  4. Anon - The 54-page pre-conference brochure has been online from this blog and the BDPA.org website for quite awhile...

    However, your feedback is appreciated and we will try to do better for the 2010 BDPA Technlogy Conference in Philadelphia PA.


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