Monday, August 10, 2009

'Ambition' by Justin Wulf (BDPA Twin Cities)

It has been wonderful watching the growth of BDPA students around the nation as they compete for the National BDPA High School Computer Competition. This year I was rooting for the young 'uns from Twin Cities. After all, they drove over 20 hours from Minnesota to Raleign NC in a cramped van in order to compete.

One of the members of the team is Justin Wulf. He shared the following note on his Facebook page:

As the anticipation builds, my strengths become more clear to the eye, and my mind, satisfied, only to rely on self-judgment. The fight through pain and suffering is just a matter of my level of ambition. If you don't have ambition, you're just of waste of space in time. Time is not a factor, you are the piece entwined in time and only you can find the other pieces that fit within the puzzle you are trying to complete.

Ever since January of 2009, I've been training for this computer competition which is held in North Carolina this year. About 25 teams from across the nation will be crammed into one large conference room, each with their own computer and 5 team members representing the future leaders of tomorrow, heck, the leaders of today. You probably heard me speak the acronym, BDPA, before, and if you haven't, one of my previous notes I think explains it. The TWIN CITIES chapter of BDPA will make a name for their self this year, i can feel it.

Life throws you obstacles. You have two options. Find the strength, passion, and ambition to overcome those obstacles, or just accept them and let them slow you down. I see life EXACTLY resembling a relay race, or any type of race for that matter. We all have one goal. Reach the finish line. People have higher levels of ambition than others, and as you see others further than you are, you gain jealously. Learn to break that jealously and focus on finishing the race. There are always other races. But it's key that you finish the race, wither it's first or last. Don't ever give up. If you miss a hurdle and get knocked flat on your face, get up. And finish the race.



Get READY!!!!!! it's on. let's show no mercy. Twin Cities stand up.

The four names (Cedric, Logan, D and Emmaly) at the end of the note are the other members of his HSCC team. I am proud to report that the HSCC team trained by BDPA Twin Cities beat out 41 other teams to take home 4th place at the 2009 national HSCC championships held in Raleigh NC. Each member of the team earned a $1,000 Jesse Bemley Scholarship!


  1. Matthew Lampkin - HartfordAugust 12, 2009 at 7:57 AM

    Many congrats out to Michael Wulf and the Twin Cities chapter.. they are a true example of what hard work is about over the past few years.. They have worked their way up the rankings and definitely deserve the accolades..

  2. Matthew - It helps that the Twin Cities team has been working together for a number of years with the same group of students. Do you have that luxury in Hartford?


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