Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Message from Philadelphia Chapter President

BDPA Philadelphia is the 3rd largest chapter in the nation. More importantly, they are the 3-time defending 'BDPA Chapter of the Year'. Much of the chapter's success can be attributed to the leadership of president Monique Berry. Here is the message that Monique shared with her chapter's stakeholders this month:

Dear Colleagues,

You have the power to influence the focus and direction of BDPA Philadelphia Chapter in a very concrete way -- by volunteering on a working chapter committee or nominating a colleague (or yourself) for board membership. As you are returning from summer vacations, please take a few minutes to consider increasing your involvement in the volunteer management of BDPA Philadelphia Chapter. If you are currently involved with a chapter committee, nominate yourself for the Executive Board.

The Board determines the strategic direction for the chapter and is very involved in educational programs, networking activities for members and non-members, and fundraising endeavors. We need experienced and active BDPA members to help us with fiscal matters, promotion and branding, and long-range strategic planning for our chapter.

Board members also interact with the volunteers and staff at the National BDPA and have regular contact with colleagues in other areas of the country. I volunteered for the Chapter as the Vice President of Membership Management for two years followed by two years as President Elect and now President of the Philadelphia Chapter. On a national level, I serve on the Board of Directors and I have enjoyed meeting and working with board leaders from other chapters across the United States.

Board members are expected to actively participate in board meetings and serve or chair a board committee. New board members begin their term in January of each year and serve for a two year term. Nominations may be submitted by any member of the Philadelphia Chapter and we welcome self-nominations. Celeste Robinson chairs the nomination committee. We are committed to nominating a board of directors who are actively involved in the on-going programs of the Chapter.

Please go to the members' area of the BDPA membership database to submit a board nomination for President Elect and Vice President of Finance and to review the duties of these open positions and consider volunteering your expertise to the Philadelphia Chapter Executive Board.

If you are not currently involved in committee work but would like to get involved, please consider volunteering for a chapter committee. We need your expertise, time and energy to continue to provide high quality programming to BDPA members and non-members. Make a difference to our profession by giving your talent, expertise and, yes, some of your valuable time!

The deadline for nominations is September 30, 2009.

I look forward to working with you as a new volunteer or board member in 2010.

With warm regards,
Monique Berry, President
BDPA Philadelphia Chapter

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