Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Message from Los Angeles Chapter President

BDPA Los Angeles is the 12th largest chapter in the nation. They recently created a Facebook Cause in order to reach out for support in that popular social network. We are pleased to share this month's message from BDPA Los Angeles chapter president John Malonson with his chapter's stakeholders:

Greetings BDPA LA family,

I'd like you to take a moment and think about all of the professional skills and abilities that you personally have to offer...


When was the last time you shared these talents outside of the workplace?

Each year, BDPA Los Angeles helps 15-25 students improve math, computer science and information technology skills through the High School Computer Competition program. Our vision is to increase academic excellence by taking our students from "The Classroom to the Boardroom."

Every year for the past twenty years, BDPA Los Angeles sends its five top students to represent the LA chapter at the annual National BDPA Technology Conferences across the nation.

Our High School Computer Competition Program (HSCC) curriculum includes:

  • Relational Database Management & Design (MySQL)
  • Web Application Development (HTML, CSS, PHP)
  • Computer Science 101 (Software & Hardware)
  • Analytically Solving Real-World Business Cases
  • The Art of Presenting
  • Time Management
  • Team Dynamics and the Importance of Team Work
Help us combat disinterest in Math & Science by supporting our cause. Our organization is entirely volunteer based and relies on the continued support of our members and partners.

Whether it's working on behalf of shaping our future young leaders or educating your peers in new technology, BDPA Los Angeles provides a variety of opportunities for you to give back to your community. If you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at our next event!

- John Malonson, president
BDPA Los Angeles chapter

What are your thoughts about John's message this month? Is your chapter president engaging in this type of open dialogue on monthly basis as well?


  1. Los Angeles Computer Support - Hire a Geek Provides Top Quality Computer Support Service in the Los Angeles area

  2. There has been so much advancement in the technology in Los Angeles. Thus keeping pace with the advancement in technology, the computer repairs and service sector has also improved very much.

  3. @LA Computer Services and @ Ashley -- Have you considered being a guest speaker at BDPA Los Angeles chapter meeting? or a corporate supporter of the efforts of BDPA in Los Angeles?


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