Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Message from National President

Yvette Graham begins her term as National BDPA President this month. She wasted no time in sharing her thoughts with members and other BDPA stakeholders around the world.

As we enter into 2010 with a new administration and a strong vision, I am so excited about the many opportunities that we have in store for BDPA! During my term as president-elect, I closely observed our organization’s current state and listened to you, the many voices of BDPA.

I heard your passion about what makes BDPA wonderful, as well as feedback on how BDPA can be so much better. Over the coming months, you will hear from me on a timely basis about the objectives and programs my administration is tasked to deliver. Simply put, Taking Membership to the Next Level, is what we are about as we re-establish and re-engineer our BDPA priorities.

We have a strong legacy of achievement established by our BDPA Founders, Earl Pace Jr. and the Late David Wimberly, and our best appreciation of their life’s work is our collective dedication to ensure that BDPA continues to evolve in strength and in unity to reach higher heights.

Our call to action is evident with today’s economic and job market realities. We must ensure BDPA is well positioned as THE “go-to” diversity supplier of highly skilled IT and entrepreneur talent. We are clear in the understanding that in order for BDPA to remain viable in today’s global society we must continuously seek to operate more efficiently, and provide our stakeholders with a clear return on investment as we set out to reach our goals.

Standing with me to accomplish our overall mission is a team of dedicated and equally engaged leaders. I am pleased to introduce our elected and appointed officers who are joining me in taking our organization to the next level. Please see officers listed [on our website] and take a moment to click on the links to read their awesome bios.

We’re off to a great start to the year with our First Quarter Board Meeting in Philadelphia, where I look forward to meeting all of our chapter presidents and leaders across the nation to hear the input and experiences that will enhance the fabric of BDPA. All of our 2010 Quarterly Board Meetings have been scheduled with dates and locations to be published this month. Also, we have an outstanding national conference planned for 2010, and we will provide you with timely details and communications to ensure our success. I know we will set the pace early for accomplishing our target goals, and I thank everyone in advance for being up for the task!

Dr. Maya Angelou said, “Nothing will work, unless you do”, and I invite everyone across BDPA to join me as an ambassador committed to take our wonderful organization to the next level!

Best wishes to you and your families for a wonderful New Year!

Yvette Graham, president
National BDPA

I hope that BETF-Blog readers will take a moment to use the COMMENTS option below to respond to this message from national president Yvette Graham!


  1. Yvette,

    Thank you for your New Year message. I so look forward to 2010 BDPA growth.

    Good Luck on your leadership of this wonderful organization. If I can be of assistance I will.

    Beverly J. Peterson, Cleveland Chapter

  2. Beverly - Ain't it nice to have leaders willing to engage in open communication with the membership!!! :)


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