Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fluor Foundation

The Fluor Foundation has a long history of investing in communities, nonprofit organizations, and education. Since its inception in 1952, the foundation, along with Fluor Corporation, has contributed more than $125 million to projects around the world. In 2007, Fluor Corporation and the Fluor Foundation contributed a combined total of $6.5 million to community organizations and educational initiatives in 17 countries.

Fluor considers requests for operating, program, capital, or endowment support. Priority is given to organizations that feature employee volunteer participation.

Application Process -- Nongovernmental organizations or educational institutions wishing to request funding should make an initial inquiry in the form of a two to three-page letter. If the proposal is of interest to Fluor, additional information will be requested. Requests are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Fluor Corporation receives many more worthwhile requests than can be funded. Consequently, contributions can only be made to a percentage of organizations considered. Up to two months should be allowed for a reply.

The letter should be sent to the local Fluor community relations contacts. All other proposals:

Suzanne Esber, Executive Director
Fluor Foundation
3 Polaris Way
Aliso Viejo, CA 92698

Is your nonprofit interested in exploring this funding opportunity?

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