Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Grant Declination: Darden Restaurants Foundation

BDPA Education & Technology Foundation (BETF) and BDPA Atlanta chapter submitted a grant proposal to Darden Restaurants Foundation in support of the chapter's youth education programs. We recently learned that Darden Restaurants Foundation was not going to be able to financially support our grant proposal. They wrote:

Thank you for your recent request for a Darden Restaurants Foundation grant.

We wish we could fund every request we receive, but due to budgetary restrictions, we are unable to respond favorably to your request at this time.

Thank you for thinking of Darden Restaurants Foundation!

Patty DeYoung
Executive Administrator

Despite this grant declination ... we still encourage all BDPA supporters to eat at Darden-owned restaurants when you have inclination to do so. However, next time you are there speak with the manager about donating some vittles to your local chapter's weekend traning efforts!

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