Friday, May 7, 2010

Grant Proposal: American Honda Foundation

National BDPA vice president Paulette Johnson-Davis worked with BDPA Education and Technology Foundation (BETF) to submit a $25,000 grant proposal to the American Honda Foundation.

The American Honda Foundation was founded to make grants to worthy national non-profit causes, programs and organizations that directly benefit the people of the United States.


  1. We rec'd phone call from AHF people today. Out of over 450 grant proposals ... BETF is one of the 10 finalists!

    They want to do a site visit before making final decision on 7/27/10. We are trying to work out logistics for them to visit our SITES activity in Rochester, MN.

    Stay tuned!

  2. ...We got the grant! The email I rec'd this morning said, "...American Honda Foundations' Board of Directors has decided to partner with the BDPA in its efforts of making a difference in the lives of our youth. In fact, the SITES program ranked number one out of the top 15 finalist! Not to mention that there were over 500 other proposals that we had to review for consideration this quarter..."

  3. I hope that your program is still going strong and well.

    I am interested and in the process of working with a school in Baton Rouge, LA (Baton Rouge Foreign Language Academic Immersion Magnet) on applying for a grant from AHF. Would you be willing to share the application that you submitted a couple of years to give us some guidance on what they might be looking for.

    Thanks in advance.


  4. Susana - Please send me an email -- -- and I will send it to you as an attachment to an email. Doable?


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