Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rohm and Haas Responsible Neighbor Program

Rohm and Haas Responsible Neighbor program focuses largely on K-12 science (including environmental science), technology and math education. Rohm and Haas believes that its resources can best impact youth and inspire them in these fields by supporting:
  • Professional development of teachers in math, science, the environment and technology
  • Programs linking education in science, technology and math to workplace and career opportunities
Educational enrichment for students, particularly in the areas of math, science, technology and the environment either during or after school hours (including weekends, summer and other times when school is not in session). While programs can and should encourage imagination, inquisitiveness, creativity and invention, the activities should be structured.

Grants are made for program, project and general operating purposes. Grants made by Rohm and Haas manufacturing or research facilities typically range from $250 to $10,000. Contributions budgets and individual grants for each operating facility vary and are based in part on the number of employees at that location.

Grants made by the Corporate Contributions program (through the Company’s headquarters in Philadelphia) typically range from $5,000 to $50,000.

Rohm and Haas Company charitable contributions are made world-wide in locations where the Company has a significant operating presence. Rohm and Haas believes that its affiliates, subsidiaries and operating facilities can best determine the needs within their respective communities and neighborhoods. Charitable giving decisions around the world are managed and administered at the local level by the facility manager or his/her designate.

Is there a Rohm and Haas operation co-located with your chapter city?

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