Friday, August 3, 2012

Where Are They Now? BDPA Charlotte Chapter

BDPA Charlotte became a chapter in September 1988. I recall visiting the chapter to serve as a guest speaker for one of their membership drives back in 1990 or so.  The meeting was held at a downtown library and I was treated with ol' school Southern hospitality of chapter president James Mitchell, chapter VP-membership management Kathy Procope and the other chapter officers.  It is worth noting that James later became a multi-term member of the Charlotte city council.

The chapter legacy is strong -- Developing Chapter of the Year (1992), Chapter of the Year (2002), Chapter Management Award (2003), Outstanding Member (Tiffany Bonds, 2003) and Comeback Chapter of the Year (2006).

The chapter trains high school students to participate in the annual national BDPA HSCC championships.  The team's highest placement in the national championship occurred in 2007 when they finished in 6th place. The members of the 2007 national championship are: Khalia Braswell, Monique Jones, Mykel Pendergrass, Dennis Rankin and Trevor Williams.

I hope that these HSCC alumni are still connected to BDPA. We want HSCC testimonials from each of these young people if they can be located.

Two of the past BDPA Charlotte chapter presidents (Cassandra Seibles and Charles Moore) served as members of the National BDPA Executive Committee. It would be great if we could hear from each of the past BDPA Charlotte chapter presidents:

Where are they now?

1 comment:

  1. It was an honor to serve as president for BDPA Charlotte and be on this list along with other past presidents.


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