Sunday, September 5, 2010

HSCC Testimonial: Yusuph Mkangara (BDPA Columbus)

BDPA Columbus chapter made a major push with their Student IT Education & Scholarship (SITES) program this year. The leadership team worked with corporate sponsors, volunteers, educators and students to train dozens of students throughout the year. The effort culminated in the selection of a team of young people to participate in the 2010 National BDPA High School Computer Competition (HSCC) Championships held in Philadelphia PA.

One of the members of the Columbus national team was Yusuph Mkangara. Yusuph shares his thoughts on the experience:

This was my first year doing the competition at a National level. It was actually my first year doing any competition at a National level. I wouldn’t say I was nervous, but I was certainly anxious to experience it for the first time. From the first day of the competition, it was hectic; trying to make sure I didn’t forget anything that I learned from Columbus.

Columbus did exceptionally well this year at Philadelphia compared to previous years. I hope to be able to help Columbus make it to the top 5, if not the number 1 team, as I have 3 more years to experience the computer competition.

There were multiple speakers there who changed how I thought about a career in IT. One of the things I am always contemplating is what should I endeavor in, once I am attending college. Medicine is definitely the number 1 option. Some of the speakers though did show that I can incorporate IT into medicine.
All in all, I have definitely been exposed to the world of IT. Whereas before, I simply knew it existed, after the competition, I have taken it into more of a consideration as I make a career and life plans; thanks to BDPA and the HSCC.

The chapter needs support as it prepares to improve its performance next year. I hope that BETF-Blog Readers will consider making a secure online donation to support Yusuph and his teammates!

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